Ønsker hjelp med din personlige økonomi?

Få din helt egen økonomiske rådgiver med 15 års erfaring for 599,- per måned.

Track your bills and manage spending with ease

Know exactly where your money goes and get tailored insight.

Better control

Connect all your accounts and monitor all your transactions in one place – automatically cleaned and categorized by Billry.

Why Billry?

Billry let's you track bills and get tailored insights on ways to save. Use the spending versus income tool to know exactly where your money goes.

Ditt eget budsjett

Du får et skreddersydd budsjett ut fra dine mål og behov. Vi tilpasser budsjettet over tid i tett samarbeid med deg, ettersom din økonomiske situasjon vil endre seg.

Fornuftig sparing

Vi hjelper deg med hvordan du kan få mer ut av pengene dine, uten at dette trenger å gå på bekostning av livskvaliteten din.

Smartere investeringer

Du får veilederning om hvordan du kan gå frem dersom du ønsker å gjøre smarte investeringer for høyere avkastning.

Hva får du med Pengehjelpen?

Enten du ønsker å få økonomien i balanse, spare mer, finne nye investeringsmuligheter eller bli kvitt gjeld vil vi gi deg de beste rådene på markedet.

Økonomisk sparringspartner

Noen ganger kan det være greit å diskutere økonomi med noen med lang erfaring. Vi kan være en kvalifisert sparringspartner for alle økonomiske spørsmål.

Forhandling med kreditorer

På dine vegne kan vi ta dialogen med inkassoselskaper, banker eller andre du skylder penger med mål om å redusere gjelden din. 

Forhandling med banker

Er du i en situasjon hvor du betaler en høy rente på lån? Vi kan forhandle med bankene for deg.

Personalized savings tips

Figure out how to lower monthly bills, feed a large family on a tight budget, and have other money-saving ideas popping up when you need them. 

Reach your goals

Get a comprehensive view of your money health and the steps needed to improve it. Your financial goal score is generated based on spending, saving, and borrowing behaviors.

Track your spending and saving goals

Create a spending or a savings goal, assign a specific type to it and connect it to the account you’d like to use for this goal. After you edit the details, you’re ready to track your goal in the Goalry app until you reach it!

Track your upcoming bills

Connect all your accounts to Goalry to get an overview of you upcoming bills and subscriptions. You can review all your bills in one place and make sure you never miss a bill payment again.

This is how it works

Join and get your member key

It’s simple and quick. You can sign up with your Apple or Google account, or enter your details manually.

Set your goals

Choose one or more financial goals you want to achieve to get access to the stores which will help you do that.

Select your plan

Depending on the number of features you choose, Goalry offers several plans.



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Reach all your financial goals

As a member of Billry you get access to amazing tools to manage all your financial goals. The idea behind Goalry was to create a “financial goal mall.”  Based on your unique financial needs our machine learning presents financial stores to cover your needs.

Track spendings and save on bills

Budget tracking and planning

Cash flow tools and emergency cash

Debt payoff tracker and planner

Shop and compare insurance

Shop and compare loans

Shop and compare tax offers

Investment, net worth and retirement builder

Save money

Create budgets

Manage dept

Shop loans

Get emergency cash

Compare insurance

Just exploring

Tax help

Maximize equity

Start tracking your bills and manage spending

Just add your financial accounts and we'll do the rest, for as low as ${{price_monthly}} per month

Get started for FREE. No credit card required.

Monthly spend
-24% vs last 6 mths

Monthly saving
+15% vs last 6 mths

Actionable insight

I have finally found the perfect solution to manage and reach my budgets. The power of having it all in one place is mindblowing! 

John McBudget

So awesome

The personalized budgeting tips are amazing! I have saved at least 20% on my monthly bills by following tips based on my spendings.

Sara McSavings


23 Corporate Plaza,
Newport Beach,
CA 92660

About Goalry

Goalry is Unified Finance! A store for everything finance. One login across finance to do more than ever before. With specific content and tools tailored to your needs. 

© 2022 Goalry

Get started for FREE. No credit card required.

Get started for FREE